Tuesday, January 13, 2015



ငါ.ဘဝကို key မခ်ိန္​းခင္​

Before the gate has been closed,
before the last quetion is posed,
before I am transposed.

​ေပါင္​းပင္​​ေတြ ဥယ်ာဥ္​ထဲမျပည္​့ခင္​
ခြင္​့လႊတ္​ျခင္​း​ေတြ မ႐ွိ​ေသးခင္​
ကြန္​ကရစ္​​ေတြ မမာ​ေက်ာ​ေသးခင္​

Before the weeds fill the gardens,
before there are no pardons,
before the concrete hardens.

ပု​ေလြ​ေပါက္​​ေတြ အပိတ္​မခံရခင္​
စည္​းမ်ဥ္​း​ေတြကို ႐ွာမ​ေတြ႔ခင္​

Before all the flute-holes are covered,
beore things are locked in then cupboard,
before the rules are discovered.

နိဂံုးသို႔ ဦးမလွည္​့ခင္​
ဘုရားသခင္​က သူ႔လက္​ကိုမ႐ုပ္​သိမ္​းခင္
ငါတို႔မွာ ရပ္​တည္​စရာ​ေနရာမ႐ွိခင္​

Before the conclusion is planned,
before God closes his hand,
before we have nowhere to stand.

Yehuda Amichai ၏ကဗ်ာကို ကုလားဖန္​ထိုးသည္​။ 

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